The best international program to drive sales in Russia
Doing Business in Russia
Increasing sales is a key indicator of every business. As part of an educational course to increase sales, you will learn how to motivate sales representatives, which communication channels are suitable for your business, and how to increase the conversion of incoming leads. In class, students will build an effective business process for driving sales, install suitable CRM system, and gain skills in automation of the sales department, as well as effective strategies for expanding a business abroad. In addition, the course considers the latest approaches of generating leads.
As part of the course, all students will receive 35 templates to build an effective sales department and a marketing system that they can use in their work during the training process on the program.
MODULE 1. Strategic planning
We make a portrait of your target audience, identify key customers, and work on the plan to increase the profitability of the business. We also identify the communication channels. In conclusion, we build an Action Plan for the organization.
- How to make a portrait of your client in Russia?
- What questions to answer when drawing up this portrait?
- What type of customers bring the most to the company?
- How to build an effective communication strategy with a client?
MODULE 2. Reporting system in the sales department
As part of the module, we consider what needs to be analyzed to drive revenues and which metrics must be used in the reporting system of the company to increase the profit of the organization.
- How to effectively implement a system of accountability?
- What reports need to be used for sales growth?
- How to measure the sales funnel conversion rates and what does it give the business?
- How to analyze and manage the length of the transactions?
MODULE 3. Motivation system
We will develop a motivation system for sales staff located in Russia, make important changes in organizational structure of the company, and talk about new approaches that can be applied in the development of a staff motivation system.
- What should be the personnel motivation scheme?
- The main ways to motivate managers?
- How to develop sales department standards?
- What is effective sales structure in Russia?
MODULE 4. New digital approaches to attract customers
Improving the efficiency of working with new media is an urgent issue for the development of the company’s brand. Let’s talk how to build brand trust through influencers and storytelling. Together we will identify the customers’ pain.
- What is loyalty based on (spoiler: on values)?
- What do companies / brands want from bloggers, streamers and influencers?
- What is quality win-win integration?
- How to create it, and then evaluate the effectiveness?
MODULE 5. Organization of sales business processes
Let us analyze the main business models, analyze key types of business strategies. Consider the main issues in developing a skillful sales model:
- Sales business processes;
- Business negotiation process;
- Consider the main sales techniques: SPIN, AIDA, SNAP, etc .;
- Let’s talk about working out objections, closing deals.
MODULE 6. Sales Automation
As part of the module, we will analyze issues related to the implementation of the CRM system in the work of the company’s sales department.
- How to develop terms of reference for the implementation of CRM and IP-telephony?
- How to develop training manuals for employees?
- How to integrate CRM with telephony and e-mail?
MODULE 7. International marketing, innovation and existing business expansion strategies
This two-week module takes place in Barcelona, Spain, at the ESADE (Ramon Lulla University). Sessions are held several times a year, in summer and winter seasons. Students are introduced to pricing, product distribution, and marketing strategies in the global market. This premium educational module is conducted in mini MBA and mini MBA + consulting tracks.
- Business owners;
- Top managers;
- Heads of sales departments;
- Digital marketers.
What do you get upon completion
After you complete the program and successfully complete all the tasks, you will be issued a certificate of completion.
Meet your Professors
Евгения Лазарева
Кандидат экономических наук, МВА. Директор учебных программ Университета РАУ. Эксперт по риск-анализу, инвестициям, продажам. Опыт в продажах более 7 лет. Участник проектов развития филиальной сети АО «Сбербанк», Управления обслуживания и продаж. Проходила обучение в Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan School of Management) и Boston University (Questrom School of Business).
ПодробнееЕвгения Лазарева
Преподает:курс по продажам, риск-менеджменту.
Ученая степень:кандидат экономических наук.
Дипломы и регалии.Автор 23 статей в российских и международных журналах и изданиях.
Достижения.Победитель Всероссийской Олимпиады Народного Хозяйства (МСЭФ) и международной конференции Emerging Economies: Development Challenges and the Innovative Approach Solutions (Dubai, UAE). Награждена дипломом за лучший доклад на Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных “Ломоносов” (МГУ).
Опыт.Педагог. Эксперт по риск-анализу инвестиционных проектов и синдицированному кредитованию. Опыт в продажах более 7 лет. Участник проектов развития филиальной сети АО «Сбербанк», Управления обслуживания и продаж.
Кип Беккер
Заслуженный профессор Бостонского университета, член совета директоров International Management Development Association и Research Business Institute (EMRBI), бранч-директор Board of the European and Mediterranean (EuroMed). Редактор журнала Journal of Transnational Management.
ПодробнееКип Беккер
Преподает:курсы по международному управлению и цифровой экономике.
Дипломы и регалии.Член совета International Management Development Association, возглавляет ассоциацию в США. Член совета European and Mediterranean (EuroMed). Член Research Business Institute (EMRBI). В 2012 году был награжден дипломом Academy for Global Business Advancement.
Достижения.Глава консалтинговой компании Northwind Management International. Редактор восьми журналов: Journal of Transnational Management, Euromarketing, Advances in Competitiveness Research, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, PRAGYAA — Journal of Management, Strategic Outsourcing, The Journal of Teaching in International Business и Journal of Business and Information Technology.
Научные работы.Автор более 60 научных трудов в области международного управления.
Опыт.Преподает курсы по электронной коммерции, международному бизнесу, маркетингу и стратегии в Бостонском университете. Опубликовал более шестидесяти книг и статей в США и международных изданиях.
Берри Янгер
Доктор педагогических наук. Экс-советник по науке президента США. Лауреат премии Фулмера. Член совета коммерциализации инноваций Бостонского университета. Учредитель Massachusetts Institute of Technology Enterprise Forum. Эксперт в сфере бизнес-моделирования, инноваций и коммерциализации технологий.
ПодробнееБерри Янгер
Преподает:курс по инновациям.
Ученая степень: доктор педагогических наук Гарварда.
Дипломы и регалии.Член Факультета Photonics Бостонского университета, соучредитель и почетный член корпоративного форума Массачусетского Технологического Университета (MIT).
Достижения.Премия Винсента Фулмера за выдающиеся достижения в Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Опыт.Эксперт по предпринимательству, высокотехнологичным компаниям и венчурным предприятиям. Основал Kurzweil Computer Products, Inc. (выкуплена Xerox Imaging Systems).
How is the training
RAU University offers a practical course “Building an Effective Sales System” in Russian and English.
- The student gets access to the educational platform of the university;
- You yourself choose the rate convenient for you to familiarize yourself with the course material: text documents and video recordings of lectures;
- Each week a new module opens;
- The course includes theory and a number of practical tasks;
- You also get access to lectures in live mode, where there is the opportunity to ask questions to the teacher;
- In accordance with the chosen tariff, students have the opportunity to undergo a joint mini-MBA program from the top 10 universities of the world – Ramon Lull University ESADE, Spain.
If you choose a program in English, a tutor will be assigned to you who will explain the requirements and the specifics of completing the tasks of the American university and will be in touch with you during the training.
- Standard: lectures and document templates – 299 USD;
- Business: lectures, templates, feedback and personal communication with an expert – 999 USD;
- Advanced Certificate: includes two-week training at ESADE Business School – 2800 USD.
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Who will be interested in the course
- Business owners;
- Top managers;
- Heads of sales departments;
- Digital marketers.
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